IO-Link masters for factory automation
IO-Link masters for factory automation
- For connection of up to eight IO-Link devices
- Reliable transmission of machine data, process parameters and diagnostic data to the controller
- With integrated fieldbus interface
- Large operating temperature range and high protection rating
- Robust housing for use in harsh industrial environments
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1400
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1402
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1420
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1422
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1430
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1432
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1100
IO-Link master starter kit - PROFINET ZZ1100
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1102
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1122
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1120
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1350
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1352
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1332
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1342
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1322
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1326
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1302
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1306
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1372
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1340
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1330
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1320
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1324
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1300
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1304
IO-Link master with PROFINET interface AL1370
AS-Interface ClassicLine module with quick mounting technology AC5225
IO-Link master with AS-i interface AC6000
IO-Link master with AS-i interface AC6002
IO-Link master with PROFIBUS interface AL1010
IO-Link master starter kit - EtherNet/IP ZZ1120
IO-Link master starter kit - MQTT JSON ZZ1350
Masters with fieldbus gateway
The IO-Link master is a gateway for the connection of up to eight IO-Link devices including sensors, valves or binary input/output modules.
The master transmits machine data, process parameters and diagnostic data to the controller.
Excellent electromagnetic stability, a wide temperature range, a high protection rating and a robust housing qualify the device for use in harsh industrial environments.
VPGD: Số 9, Ngõ 651/82/3 Minh Khai, Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 0971961212
Mail: sales@ntd-automation.com