ABM2 POSITIONER BACKUP STATION (with bargraph/digital indicator)
Final Control Elements
(with bargraph/digital indicator)
Functions & Features
• Bargraph indicator
• Digital display indicating PV/CAS/MV selectable
• External contact closure to switch operation modes
• Valve positioner incorporated
• Re-transmitted outputs available for valve position and manual status
• Potentiometer, voltage or current input for setpoint
• DIN size
Typical Applications
• Computer and DCS backup applications
• Controlling electric valves from a computer
• Manual damper position control
• Remote manual control of electric valves
• Code number: ABM2-[1][2][3][4]-[5][6]
Specify a code from below for each of [1] through [6].
(e.g. ABM2-RAAA1-M2/Q)
• Specify the specification for option code /Q
(e.g. /C01/S01)
• Scale (Refer to 'SCALE PLATE' section for details on the scale.)
R: Red
Y: Amber
G: Green
B: Blue
A: 4 – 20 mA DC (Input resistance 250 Ω)
6: 1 – 5 V DC (Input resistance 1 MΩ min.)
4W: -10 – +10 V DC (Input resistance 1 MΩ min.)
5W: -5 – +5 V DC (Input resistance 1 MΩ min.)
A: 4 – 20 mA DC (Input resistance 250 Ω)
6: 1 – 5 V DC (Input resistance 1 MΩ min.)
R: Total resistance 100 Ω – 10 kΩ
A1: 4 – 20 mA DC (Load resistance 350 Ω max.)
output range -15 - +115 %
A2: 4 – 20 mA DC (Load resistance 350 Ω max.)
output range 0 - 100 %
Note: Select '/A2' to use with same output range as ABM.
AC Power
M2: 100 – 240 V AC (Operational voltage range 85 – 264 V,
47 – 66 Hz)
DC Power
R: 24 V DC
(Operational voltage range 24 V ±10 %, ripple 10 %p-p max.)
blank: none
/Q: Options other than the above (specify the specification)
SPECIFICATIONS OF OPTION: Q (multiple selections)
COATING (For the detail, refer to our web site.)
/C01: Silicone coating
/C02: Polyurethane coating
/C03: Rubber coating
/S01: Stainless steel
• Scale plate
Construction: Panel flush mounting
Degree of protection: IP65; applicable to the front panel for single unit mounted according to the specified panel cutout
Connection: M3 separable screw terminal (torque 0.6 N·m)
Solderless terminal: Refer to the drawing at the end of the section.
Recommended manufacturer: Japan Solderless Terminal MFG. Co., Ltd., Nichifu Co., Ltd.
(Solderless terminals with insulation sleeve do not fit.)
Applicable wire size: 0.25 to 1.65 mm2
Screw terminal: Nickel-plated steel (standard) or stainless steel
Housing material: Flame-resistant resin (gray)
Manual output switching: With CAS (cascade) - MAN (manual) selector ('OUT'), it is available to switch between cascade control outptting to follow CAS input signal and manual operation.
MAN control button ▲▼: Change setting value. For MAN mode control positioning output.
Digital display selector (IND): Switches between CAS input, PV input, MV outout, Version display, User Zero setting, User Span setting or Deadband.
Manual status contact: Turns on when manual operation is available
Isolation: CAS input to PV input to MV output or remote output switch command to positioning output to MAN status output to power
■ SCALE PLATE: Flame resistant resin
(replaceable at the front; white scale & characters on black base)
Scale: Max. 4 characters including decimal point and negative sign
• Divisions: Min. 21, max. 43.9
• Engineering unit: Max. 4 characters (Unit other than % also can be specified)
■ LEDs
CAS output LED: Red LED turns on in CAS mode.
MAN output LED: Red LED turns on in MAN mode.
CAS/Z LED: Red LED turns on, CAS input % indication with 7 segments LED.
Green LED turns on while user zero setting indicated with 7 segments LED.
PV/S LED: Red LED turns on, PV input % indication with 7 segments LED.
Green LED turns on while user span setting indicated with 7 segments LED.
MV/DZ LED: Red LED turns on (MAN mode is included), MV output % indication with 7 segments LED.
Green LED turns on while deadband value indicated with 7 segments LED.
IMF. LED: Red LED turns on, the firmware version indicated with 7 segments LED.
Green LED turns on but Not Used.
It is available to change Zero and Span of PV input.
• User Zero setting range: 0.0 to 49.9% (factory default: 0%)
• User Span setting range: 50.0 to 100.0% (factory default: 100%)
Setting range: 1.0 to 10.0% (factory default: 1.0%)
Hysteresis: 0.5 % fixed
■Recommended solderless terminal
■ BARGRAPH: PV input is shown.
LED: 55 segments, 55.5 mm (2.19") long, 3.0 mm (.12") wide. Display -4 to +104 % by 2 % step (for 0 %, 3 segments are on from bottom), for below -4 %, the bottom segment is on.
■ DIGITAL INDICATOR: CAS input, PV input, MV output (No scaling, display range: -15.0 to +115.0 %
LED: 4 digits, red, 10 mm (.39") high, 24 mm (.94") wide
Decimal point position: One decimal places fixed
Scaling range: -15 to +115.0%
Zero indication: Higher-digit zeros are suppressed.
Over-range indication: 'Hi' is displayed when display exceeds scaled range.
Under-range indication: 'Lo' is displayed when display exceeds scaled range.
■ CAS input
• DC Current
Input resistor incorporated
■ PV input
• DC Current
Input resistor incorporated
Min. span: ≥ 50% of input spec.
• DC Voltage
Min. span: ≥ 50% of input spec.
• Potentiometer
Total resistance: 100 Ω – 10 kΩ
Min span: ≥ 50% of total resistance
Reference voltage: 1 V DC
■ Remote output switching: External contact closure switches the ABM2 to MAN mode when the CAS-MAN selector is at CAS position (Not switched with MAN position. Refer to the table 1)
Sensing (open): Approx. 4.5 V DC
ON voltage: ≤ 1 V DC
ON resistance: ≤ 10 kΩ
OFF voltage: ≥ 2.6 V DC
OFF resistance: ≥ 49.9 kΩ
MV output
Conformance range:
• A1: -15 to +115 %
• A2: 0 to 100 %
■ Positioning Output:
Rated load: 240 V AC or 30 V DC @ 1 A (resistive load)
For maximum relay life with inductive loads, external protection is recommended.
Mechanical life: 5 × 107 cycles
Maximum switching voltage: 250 V AC or 125 V DC (0.2 A) (resistive load)
Maximum switching power: 250 VA or 30 W (DC) (resistive load)
■ Manual status output: Photo MOS relay
Rating: 240 V AC or 30 V DC @ 100 mA
ON resistance: 25 Ω
Permissible: 400 mW
Power consumption
•AC: (with max. load)
Approx. 4 VA at 100 V
Approx. 5.5 VA at 100 V
Approx. 6.5 VA at 264 V
•DC: Approx. 2 W
Operating temperature: -5 to +55°C (23 to 131°F)
Operating humidity: 10 to 90 %RH (non-condensing)
Mounting: Panel flush mounting
Weight: Approx. 300 g (0.66 lb)
PERFORMANCE in percentage of span
Accuracy: Input + output conversion accuracy
•Input conversion accuracy: ±0.2 %
•Mv output accuracy: ±0.5 %
Display accuracy:
•Bargraph: ±1 digit
•Digital indicator: ±1 digit
Temp. coefficient: ±0.015 %/°C (±0.008 %/°F)
Manual output resolution: 0.1 %
Response time: ≤ 0.5 sec. (0 – 90 %) between PV and MV
Line voltage effect: ±0.2 % over voltage range
Insulation resistance: ≥ 100 MΩ with 500 V DC
Dielectric strength: 1500 V AC @ 1 minute
(CAS input to PV input to MV output or remote output switch command to positioning output to MAN status output to power to ground)
EU conformity:
EMC Directive
EMI EN 61000-6-4
EMS EN 61000-6-2
Low Voltage Directive
EN 61010-1
Measurement Category II (positioning output, manual status output)
Installation Category II
Pollution degree 2
Remote output switch command or CAS input or PV input to
positioning output or power: Reinforced insulation (300 V)
Positioning output to MV output to power: Reinforced
insulation (300 V)
RoHS Directive